
At any moment within reTHINK, you can summon your toolbar instantly by pressing "A." This feature emerges to assist you in navigation, creation, importing, or any task you're undertaking.

·      Home: Tap this to return to the Lobby.

·      Add a Note: Initiate note-taking or jot down your ideas.

·      3D Assets: Select from an array of preloaded models or access your uploaded 3D models through the reTHINK web admin portal.

·      Media: Engage with Video content For Information about file types, size restrictions etc {LINK}

·      My Files: Retrieve images, PDFs you've uploaded via the reTHINK admin portal, or connect to external services like Dropbox for additional resources. For Information about file types, size restrictions etc {LINK}

·      Team: Find and connect with your team members or others on reTHINK, enabling you to swiftly join them in their space or another expansive area.

·      AI Image: Utilize AI to instantly generate images, fostering inspiration.

·      Web Browser:

·      Rooms: View your list of rooms, details about your current room including room code, and other spaces you've visited. This feature allows you to transport to a different room. Exiting a room to enter another sends a "follow me" notification to any guests in your current room, offering them the option to follow or remain.

·      Mute: Utilize this function to mute your microphone if there's background noise in your surroundings, ensuring others aren't disturbed.

·      Help: Gain access to quick support, help, and additional tutorials for guidance.

See our advanced features and interactions section for further tutorials {LINK}