Installing RETHINK:


Begin by installing the reTHINK application on your headset.

Pair Your Headset:

Pair your headset with your account to use the web admin system. This allows you to customize your profile, manage uploads of custom content, and integrate services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneNote,, and more as they become available.

Download Links:

Meta Quest: Download here

Magic Leap: Please contact support.

Apple ProVision: Coming soon.

Desktop: Coming soon.

Installation and Setup Instructions:

After downloading and installing, follow these on-screen instructions or refer to the guide below:

1.        Start Your Account Setup: Go to

2.        Enter Your Email: Provide your email address to start the account creation process.

3.        Choose a Username: Select a username that will be visible to everyone within reTHINK.

4.        Set a Password: Create a secure password for your account.

5.        Create a Username: This is what others will see as your nametag in reTHINK.

6.        Customize Your Avatar: Design your avatar to represent you in the reTHINK space.

7.        Connect Services: Link accounts from Dropbox, Air.Inc, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc., to enhance your reTHINK

8.        Pair Your Device: Finalize the setup by pairing your device with your new reTHINK account.